Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs for the week

Do you want to eat a healthy breakfast but are always tight on time? We understand completely, and we are often in the exact same boat. Scrambled eggs are a simple answer to this problem!


  • 24 Eggs (2 dozen eggs)

  • 1 Tablespoon of butter (can substitute other fat sources here, we often use tallow instead)


  • Crack all 24 eggs into a large bowl

  • Heat up the 1 tablespoon butter (or your fat substitute) in a large skillet

  • Once butter has melted add all 24 eggs to skillet

  • Allow to cook for a few minutes and then stir occassionally

  • Eggs are done once nice and fluffy but without having a bunch of liquid come out of them when smashed down

  • Once completely cooled these can be put in a air tight storage container and stored in the fridge

NOTE: It does NOT make a major difference when you want to beat/stir the eggs down. Some people like to do it while they’re still in the large bowl. I prefer to wait until they’re in the skillet, then let them cook for a few minutes. Once you see a little white beginning to firm up along bottom of skillet I beat my eggs.


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